Introducing Tristan Murail

Aldeburgh Music, Snape, Suffolk, Great Britain

A focus of the 67th Aldeburgh Music Festival – whose ‘founding father’ was none other than the first Ernst von Siemens Prize winner Benjamin Britten – will be devoted to Tristan Murail. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is supporting a series of three concerts on one day in which Tristan Murail’s works will be performed by Klangforum Wien and the BBC Symphony Orchestra. Part of the philosophy of the festival is to have the works of the featured composer performed by those musicians closest to him or her. 
Murail will introduce two of the concerts in person. Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Artistic Director of the Festival, is delighted at the composer’s participation in this year’s festival: 'We are delighted that Tristan Murail will be in Aldeburgh this year as our featured composer. Murail is a poet whose music speaks to our ears, our eyes and our heart.'

June 28, 2014
Britten Studio Snape and Snape Maltings Concert Hall, Snape, Suffolk

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