Labyrinth 14/1-3

KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen/FESTIVAL bonn hoeren 2014

The “Labyrinth14/1-3” project by Wolfgang Mitterer is a venue-specific, varying composition for 1,000 choristers, 7 percussionists, amateur music groups, trumpet quartet and electronics. The virtuoso wanderer between the musical genres creates a musical space for three different venues in three cities: the municipal space Münsterplatz in Bonn – "14/1", the Baroque gardens of Hannover’s Herrenhäuser Gärten – "14/3", and the water tower area in Berlin’s Prenzlauer Berg – "14/2". Wolfgang Mitterer will produce three different scores all built on the same time structure but adapting and changing in modular fashion to the different venues and participating artists. One theme – three public spaces – three variations with different participants. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation will be supporting Part 1 and 3 of this major musical project within the public space. 

June 20, 2014
Münsterplatz in Bonn, Germany 

June 28, 2014
Gartentheater, Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover, Germany 

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