SPOR festival 2015

SPOR festival 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark

Since 2005 the SPOR Festival has attempted to offer both the Danish and international contemporary music scene a home. Its outstandingly high representation of female composers and artists and international and concentrated atmosphere are particularly praised by critics. In 2015 the festival supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is celebrating its 10th anniversary. To mark the occasion Danish composer Simon Steen-Andersen has been invited as a guest curator. This year Steen-Andersen’s main focus is on opera and musical theater. Numerous concerts and performances invite the audience to explore new and familiar forms of musical theater. At the same time, the festival also wishes to serve as a meeting point and forum for artists, musicologists and the audience.


May 7 – 10, 2015
Bora Bora, Granhøj Dans, Godsbanen and Svalegangen, Copenhagen

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