Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik


via nova – Contemporary Music in Thuringia

The Weimar Spring Festival of Contemporary Music has been organized since 2000 and has now become a key festival in Germany. The festival is always traditionally held in the week following Easter. In addition to concerts from chamber music to orchestral instrumentation featuring numerous premieres and opera productions, two international composition competitions for chamber music and orchestral composition plus numerous symposia and workshops are organized every year. The Weimar Spring Festival program includes experimental performance as well as the concert featuring traditional compositions. Composers and ensembles from Germany and other nations in Europe are a key component of the festival and have contributed to the popularization of the event even beyond Germany’s borders. In 2010 the focus is on unusual and innovative instrumentation. With the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation composition commissions have been issued to Ludger Kisters, Benjamin Schweitzer and Johannes K. Hildebrandt (who will be composing for the extraordinary instrumentation of Orchestre de Flûtes Français – 24 Flûtes) as well as to Gwyn Pritchard, Thomas Christoph Heyde, Peter Helmut Lang and Péter Köszeghy (composing for the Germano-Hungarian ensemble Kozmosz featuring accordion, recorder, cymbalum and percussion). 

April 28th – May 2nd 2010
e-werk and mon ami Weimar

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