Historical Critical Edition of the Complete Musical Works of Anton Webern (1883-1945) – Sub-Project on Webern Documentation

Musicology Institute of the University of Basel

Since October 2006 the Musicology Institute of the University of Basel (Musikalisches Institut der Universität Basel) has been preparing a Historical Critical Edition of the Complete Musical Works of Anton Webern. The aim of this edition is to make the complete compositional works of this composer accessible to the public. For this reason it is planned to publish not only the versions of the works Webern himself had printed but also unpublished early versions as well as works Webern left unpublished. Compositions of his younger and student days as well as fragments, sketches and adaptations are to be published in the complete edition. The musical score editions will be supplemented by critical reports and documents on the history of the works. The complete edition will be published by Universal Edition, Vienna. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is lending its support to the Webern documentation work in 2010. In addition to the publication of musical score editions and critical reports an electronic database featuring well-founded source information on the life and work of Webern will also be developed between 2010-2012 that will become accessible online at a later date.

Musikalisches Institut der Universität Basel (Musicology Institute of the University of Basel), Switzerland

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