New Music since 1950 – Complete Overview

Institute for New Music at the Dresden Academy of Music; 

The head of the Institute for New Music at the Dresden Academy of Music (Institut für Neue Musik der Hochschule für Musik Dresden) is planning a complete overview of New Music since 1950. This will be a comprehensive overview of New Music post 1950 which is not overlain with conceptual weaknesses given that the target group here are music experts and students of music. Prejudices towards New Music are to be broken down, interest aroused and deepened and the music’s fascination highlighted. Hiekel would also like to question the established patterns of characterization inherent in the description of music of the 20th/21st centuries, provide criteria for assessment and thereby give guidance in the "jungle of conflicting tendencies in New Music", as the author puts it. Here intercultural perspectives are to be more strongly incorporated than has usually been the case in relevant overviews until now. The historical overview of this music (handbook) featuring a lexical section is to be published in 2011 by Bärenreiter / Metzler. 

Institut für Neue Musik der Hochschule für Musik Dresden

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