Neues Musiktheater von und für Kinder

Musik zum Anfassen e.V., München

Want to compose a piece of musical theater yourself? Want to write a libretto? And then perform it all on a large stage? This is precisely what the music society Musik zum Anfassen aims to do with six classes of Munich school children. From October 2011 to May 2012 the children together with musicians will develop a piece that will be performed for the first time as part of the 2012 Munich Biennale. The question as to what New Musical Theater actually is and what topic would be suitable for a piece of work like this and why will be answered naturally as the project progresses. In an initial project phase relaxed encounters with music will be at the forefront. The children will experience what it means “to write” music and learn how to find or even build themselves the right instruments for their work. In the second phase of the project the children will elaborate the textual basis in a writing workshop. Stage, set and costumes will be developed in a third work phase of the project. Video documentation will trace the entire creative process of the project.

May 9th / 10th 2012
Munich, Muffathalle

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