The Boulez-Project


Southbank Centre, London

The Boulez Project funded by the EvS Music Foundation to be held at the London Southbank Centre offers a forum for music by this major composer as well as for the ideas accompanying this music. Since 2007 contemporary music has played an increasingly important role at London’s Southbank Centre. Boulez himself played a part in this growing focus: 2008 saw him conduct a concert on both Olivier Messiaen’s and Elliott Carter’s one hundredth anniversary. To mark each of these occasions he combined his own compositions with those of the composers celebrated. Boulez has also always subjected his work to critical observation – this critical approach both to his own music and that of others is to form a focal point of the project. The highlight of the concert series is the performance of Pli selon pli under the baton of the composer himself. 


September 30th to October 2nd 2011

Southbank Centre, London


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