Villa Romana, Florenz


Composition commissions for the concert series music@villaromana


Villa Romana, Florence, Italy

The concert series music@villaromana supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation has taken on the task of setting standards for the dissemination of contemporary music. The guest artists and variety of encounters as well as the search for cross-genre musical stances all generate a dialogue here between forms of expression which appear very divergent at first sight (classical and classical contemporary music, electronic music, improvisation, art and oral storytelling). Themes that extend beyond restricted individual categories aim to appeal here to a more dynamic and inquisitive audience.
Forming a highpoint in the program will be some of the most important contemporary composers including Salvatore Sciarrino as well as young talents like Mayke Nas,
Sivan Cohen Elias and Ryan Carter whom the audience will be able to meet in discussions and dialogue.
In seven events held monthly contemporary music will be presented in its most original and innovative forms and conveyed to a wide and not just specialist audience. The constellations of different concerts will allow relationships between musicians, artists and writers to develop that will be encouraged by residency at Villa Romana. Amongst other things, the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation will fund those composition commissions issued to the composers Daniele Ghisi, Carola Bauckholt, Federico Costanza, Filippo Perocco, Francesco Filidei and Viola Klein.

February – September 2012 
Villa Romana, Florence

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