Giacinto Scelsi, Writings

MusikTexte, Cologne, Germany

Views on Giacinto Scelsi, one of the key figures in New Music, are still shrouded in mystifications that he himself was not involved in generating. His improvisation method developed since the 1950s and latterly transcribed and instrumentalized makes Scelsi a special case among European composers. Feeding on eastern and western musical traditions his musical thought is reflected in his different music-theory, aesthetic, philosophical and autobiographical writings. When Scelsi was still alive these writings appeared in very limited private print runs which sold out a long time ago. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation supports the new two volume edition that will include these writings in their original language and in German translation, as well as extensive commentary on their historical, biographical and music-philosophical context.

April 2013
MusikTexte, Cologne
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