Symposium "50 Jahre Musik im technischen Zeitalter“


Tritonus e.V., Bremen, Germany

Between November 1962 and February 1963 musicologist Hans Heinz Stuckenschmidt presented a weekly series of public lectures at the Berlin University of Technology featuring twelve international composers including Hans Werner Henze, Iannis Xenakis, György Ligeti and Luigi Nono. The event at Berlin’s Congress Hall was recorded and broadcast live by Berlin radio station Sender Freies Berlin. 50 years on the society Verein Tritonus e.V. is devoted to bringing these elaborately produced and largely unknown documents out of the broadcaster’s archives to make them accessible to musicological research. Furthermore, the 12 archive films have been contemporized so that they might be integrated into the music business in general and, supplemented by accompanying texts, also be used in the musical education of young art students. At the Television Forum for Music 2012 in Bremen a scholarly symposium will deal with laying the foundations and creating the framework for accessing filmic archive material. Using film material found with the support of the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation it will examine the significance of film documents of the post-war musical Modern Age in scholarly work and in the education of young talents. 

March 7th to 10th 2012
Plantage 13, Bremen

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