Symposium "Cage & Consequences"

MaerzMusik - Berliner Festspiele, Germany

To mark John Cage’s 100th anniversary MaerzMusik 2012 is dedicating itself to Cage’s work and his influence on the following artistic generation under the heading “Cage & Consequences”. This artistic setting is to be used for a scholarly symposium bringing together key international exponents of Cage research with renowned artists, composers and fellow travelers of Cage. The “Reading John Cage” section offers a forum for analytical and source-critical presentations while “Performing John Cage” reflects on the problems of performance practice also in an altered historic context. “Cage and the Arts” focalizes Cage’s approach to art synthesis and Cage’s reception in intermedia and media art and, finally, “Composing after Cage” is devoted to the challenge of contemporary composition following on from, or in opposition to, Cage. 
Thanks to international networking those managing the symposium and MaerzMusik have been able to enlist the listed scholars and artists for a symposium that is exceptional even in this Cage anniversary year. Particularly noteworthy here is the involvement of artists able to contribute to the discourse, two artistic interventions developed specifically for this occasion and supplements to the lectures in the form of  short performances by Nicolas Collins, Philip Corner, William Engelen, Takehisa Kosugi and Tom Johnson. Since MaerzMusik is once again bringing together representatives of the Sonic Arts Union (Robert Ashley, David Behrman, Alvin Lucier and Gordon Mumma) in its concert program these key exponents of the first generation of American experimental music after Cage will be available for a panel discussion. 

March 19th – 21st 2012 
Haus der Berliner Festspiele

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