The Ligeti Project II – Eine Internetplattform zur Klaviermusik György Ligetis

The Ligeti Project II – An Internet Platform on the Piano Music of György Ligeti

Stiftung Klavier-Festival Ruhr

Together with Pierre-Laurent Aimard the piano festival Klavier-Festival Ruhr has, since 2014, been developing a unique Internet platform for the interpretation and appreciation of György Ligeti’s piano music. By mid-2018 this free content in both German and English is to be extended, technically developed and made accessible to even more potential users. The 14 Ligeti scores processed for multi-media have been further supplemented as have the sections “Performing Ligeti” and “Education Projects” that are to be extended to include further short films featuring Aimard, masterclass sequences and interviews as well as text and image sources from the Paul Sacher Foundation. The multi-media archive on the performance practice of Ligeti’s piano works is aimed at helping a wide audience to interactively discover György Ligeti’s music and to explore it from different perspectives.


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