Photo: Frank Kleinbach


2017 Schloss Solitude Summer School – International Masterclass for Young Composers

Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany


Since 2003 Akademie Schloss Solitude has been organizing a masterclass for young composers every two years. This summer school aims to fill a gap in the training of young composers as masterclasses for young composers are a rarity on the European New Music scene. Unlike long composition studies with a lecturer this masterclass offers participants a stimulating environment and a rare opportunity for an intense exchange of ideas with each other, the lecturers, artists of other art disciplines and academy grant recipients. The work and discussions about the participants’ compositions as well as compositional thought are at the center of the summer academy as is individual tuition and group work. Beyond this, presentations by artists from other art disciplines will be offered. Towards the end of the masterclass the art participants will work with the Freiburg ensemble SurPlus. Two public concerts are planned. In its eighth edition, this year’s summer academy supported by the EvS Music Foundation is being held under the guidance of Chaya Czernowin with the guest lecturers Johannes Schöllhorn and Samir Odeh-Tamimi.


August 4 – 21, 2017

Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart


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