Composition Commissions issued to Obst, Fourès, Herrmann and Obermüller

E-MEX Ensemble / E-MEX e.V., Essen, Germany


At home in the Ruhr region the E-MEX ensemble has over the past few years fostered a very fruitful exchange with the Bordeaux-based ensemble Proxima Centauri. This is to be continued this year with the Franco-German concerts ENTRELACS :: GEFLECHT. Proxima Centauri and EMEX selected two renowned composers who both have links to the two countries and live in Germany or France. Each of them was issued a composition commission for a piece of work with a large line-up that both ensembles will then premiere jointly. For this it has been possible to enlist the famous German composer Michael Obst and renowned French composer Henry Fourès.

Furthermore, both ensembles wish to commission a new work to younger composers. The E-MEX ensemble opted for Torsten Herrmann and Karola Obermüller. All composers involved in the project have links to both France and Germany, be this through studies spent there, the focal points of their lives and creativity, biographical circumstances or through musical and stylistic characteristics.


January 27, 2017
Konzertsaal BiOs Inn, Cologne

January 28, 2017
St. Elisabeth Church/Villa Elisabeth, Berlin

January 31, 2017
Théâtre des Quatre Saisons, Gradignan

February 2, 2017
Goethe Institute, Paris


Further Information