Arthur Honegger 1921 (Source: Pascale Honegger)


Arthur Honegger. »Le Roi David« (1921/23). Source-Critical Reissue of the 2nd Edition

Hug & Co. Musikverlage, Zürich, Switzerland


To mark the 125th anniversary of Arthur Honegger’s birth in 2017 a source-critical, reworked reissue of Le Roi David (1921/23) is to be published for musical practice. Until now the 2nd version, which with the line-up for wind, keys, percussion and double bass prevailed over the initial version with large symphony orchestra, only existed as an edition in a reprographically reproduced version of the copyist’s fair copy. It is now planned to entirely reissue the score, the piano excerpt and choir score as well as the entire performance material in line with today’s practices and needs; here the score and voices will, for the first time, be available in engraved or rather typeset musical notation. In the new edition the text underlay will appear in French, German and English as provided for by Honegger and Morax, after whose eponymous drama the work was created. The EvS Music Foundation is supporting the edition aimed at setting a new standard in the further reception of Le Roi David in particular and the works of Arthur Honegger in general.


End of 2017


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