Composers‘ Academy Year 2

Philharmonia Orchestra

The Philharmonia Orchestra's Composers' Academy is a season-long training experience for three outstanding composers at the start of their careers. Mentored by renowned composer and Artistic Director of our contemporary music series Music of Today, each year the Academy will culminate in a public performance of the composers' new works that have been workshopped during the academy.

The second year of the composers’ academy includes further commissions to young composers which shall be presented in June 2018 at Royal Festival Hall as part of the Orchestra’s flagship 24-year-old Music of Today contemporary music series. In order to enable networking and career promotion for the young composers, there will also be commission workshops with Unsuk Chin and further workshops, seminars and tutorials, master classes and training sessions with the Orchestra’s leading team. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation supports this program which enables networking and career promotion for the young composers.

Season 2017/2018

Further infomation: