Photo: Anika Neese


Four Composition Commissions

Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung/Institute for New Music and Music Education, Darmstadt, Germany

The INMM Conference in 2021 focuses on the compositional interest in the transitions between music and language. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is facilitating the award of four composition commissions to composers who will set key accents for musicological reflection and pedagogical practice.

It has been possible here to enlist the composer Daniel Ott who in his oeuvre repeatedly attempts to create theatrical situations that form a framework for the interaction of various artistic media. For his piece 6/7 – gare du sud, that relates to the 2014 installation gare du sud, Ott will compose a new treatment for the line-up of ensemble proton. The external tonal backdrop of this installation is placed in an exciting juxtaposition with the inner-musical tonality. This gives rise to two different linguistic universes – the world of everyday sounds and that of artificial artistic music.
In The Whale British composer Lauren Redhead will further develop graphic, text-based scores from her cycle ijereja. The notes played by the musicians consist of real as well as invented maps that are then supplemented by sound poetry and pre-produced improvisations.
In his work Elementarphantasien nach Christian Morgenstern for soprano, clarinet and piano Thierry Tidrow alludes to the poetry of Christian Morgenstern. Poised on the boundary between recitation and song every word in this composition aims to be treated as an onomatopoeic arrangement.
With a composition based on Hölderlin’s poem of the same name Hyperion’s Schicksalslied (Hyperion’s Song of Destiny) Rolf Riehm attempts to reshape Hölderlin’s central experience of transcendental homelessness into a code that outlines the location of his composing.

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