Homage to Federico Incardona

Fondazione Prometeo, Parma, Italy


In 2018 Palermo has been named the Italian Capital of Culture. In this context, Fondazione Prometeo and its ensemble are presenting a project devoted to the Palermitan composer Federico Incardona (1958-2006), who made a key contribution to New Music in the second half of the 20th century. Since this year is the 50th anniversary of the birth of Federico Incardona, Prometeo wishes to celebrate this event with two concerts and a conference about the man and his works.

Born in Palermo in 1958, Incardona studied music at the University of Palermo and made his public debut as a composer at the Teatro Politeama Garibaldi with Mit höchster Gewalt for instrumental ensemble (1977). This work immediately characterized his initially delicate aphoristic style. After four years of further study and silence, he embarked on a particularly fertile period: in 1981 the performance of his first chamber symphony Avec un morne embrassement at the Venice Biennale, brought him to international attention. He was noticed by Luigi Nono, who was to signal him as one of the most promising young artists of the new Italian music. Incardona and Nono were united by the same "ethical" conception of composition practice, not only in terms of technical rigor and absolute dedication to their work, but also in terms of their common desire to arouse behaviors in the listener: their music does not ask to be interpreted or contemplated but rather agitated. It is music that shakes, moves, spurs.

Unfortunately, Incardona died at just 48 years of age after a terrible disease and he was almost totally forgotten by contemporary music scene even though he was one of the most representative figures of the post-avant-garde Sicilian landscape. Until now Federico Incardona’s works have been performed in Italy only a few times: this situation will be now remedied by broadcasting his works through two concerts. The concert program will then be supplemented by three world premieres of Italian composers who are related in different ways to Incardona and with two works of internationally renowned composers.


October 17, 2018
Farnese Theater, Parma, Italy

October 18, 2018
Sala ONU in Teatro Massimo, Palermo, Italy


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