Photo: Thilo Ross


Near, Now Far – Voices, Music and Company in the Age of Corona

KlangForum Heidelberg, Germany

The project weekend “Nah, jetzt fern”, designed in direct response to the restrictions in our social, political and cultural lives focuses on the paradox of near and far under the particular consideration of today’s epidemiologically very troubled human voice. It is within this context that Among Friends is to be performed. Stefan Litwin’s composition commission for six solo voices and prepared piano explores the confusion and alienation of the NSA wiretapping scandal arising from the illegal mass surveillance uncovered at the time both on a global political as well as individual civil rights level. Astronomica by Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf approaches the proverbial complexity of astrophysical terminology at the point where its interpretation becomes absurd or metaphysical; the line-up of four voices and instruments is led to the limits of vocal possibility and the compact polyphony. Both works are contextualized by genre-spanning expert lectures. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is facilitating the concert project by KlangForum Heidelberg.

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