Badenweiler Musiktage 2016: Klänge der Nacht

Badenweiler Music Festival, Germany

“O man! Take heed!
What saith deep midnight's voice indeed? [...]”

These verses open a famous poem by Friedrich Nietzsche. And the 2016 Badenweiler Music Festival supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation will also focalize the “Klänge der Nacht” (Sounds of the Night). The program features numerous works revolving around the “night” theme from the 19th through to the 21st century.

Normally, this kind of music is primarily attributed to Romanticism. Nevertheless, contemporary composers have also written numerous pieces of “night music” that will be juxtaposed at the festival with older works. The introductory lectures by Rainer Peters focus specifically on more recent compositions. All participating musicians are acknowledged experts in both older and New Music.

April 28 – May 1, 2016
Kurhaus Badenweiler

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