Boulangerie / Concerts in Hamburg and Berlin

Boulanger Trio, Germany

“Boulangerie” is the title of the concert series of the Boulanger piano trio that has been held four times a year since 2012 at Berlin’s Radialsystem V and in Hamburg, this year in the new “Resonanzraum” venue at the Medienbunker on Heiligengeistfeld.
Every concert is devoted to a composer of the present day who also attends in person. Supported by the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation, the concerts in Fall 2015 are devoted to the young American composer Sean Shepherd. In a relaxed setting the piano trio will play Shepherd’s work and afterward will talk with him about his creativity. In focus here is not the musicological analysis of the composition but more a personal discussion about the music. The program will be complemented by a work from the trio’s repertoire which the guest can choose. The evening will draw to a close with a dialog between artists and the audience, appropriately accompanied by French bread, cheese and wine in tune with the name of the concert series.

September 11/November 28, 2015
Resonanzraum, Medienbunker, Hamburg

September 12/ November 29, 2015
Studio C, Radialsystem V, Berlin

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