Photo: Harald Hoffmann


Composer-in-Residence Olga Neuwirth at the 2016 LUCERNE FESTIVAL

LUCERNE FESTIVAL, Lucerne, Switzerland


The performance of works by composer and conductor Olga Neuwirth as "Composer-in-Residence" as part of Lucerne Festival in Summer 2016 will be supported by the EvS Music Foundation. The artist presents great challenges for the organizers. For her work KLOING! for computer-controlled piano, live pianist and film, for instance, a specific Bösendorf computer grand piano from Vienna with its own technician will have to be ordered, along with a VJ, a computer specialist as well as a sound engineer. For the only recently performed work Encantadas ingenious live electronics, also with great material requirements, are needed – and it can be understood as a fortspinnung of Nono’s Prometeo, not just in terms of content but also of spatial acoustic thought. Eleanor, performed last summer at the Salzburg Festival, on the other hand, is a tribute to the people and in particular to women as the composer’s response to current affairs and past events with sounds of the American blues, embodied by the soloist Della Miles.
Alongside the three works the sound installation… miramondo multiplo …  arranged for Dokumenta in Kassel will be presented as a concert hall installation. A film set to a spherical soundtrack of her trumpet concerto of the same name shows the act of composition, notation, dismissal, development in an inimitable way. In particular here, but also in other works, Olga Neuwirth conveys the interest in linking music at a high artistic level with other media, be this in literature, film or also even by means of the computer.


August 14, 21, 26, 2016
Lucerne, KKL


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