A Triptych of Dialogues

Time of Music, Viitasaari, Finland

Time of Music has been in existence for over 35 years now and is held every year in Central Finland as an academy and festival. In 2018 the festival will be presenting nearly 20 concerts in six days featuring the ICE as a guest ensemble and various focal themes. The line-up will include: an examination of the digital (re)presentation of music, an exploration of the role of women in the contemporary music of the last 100 years and the attempt to combine seemingly contradictory aspects – the digital and the analog, stage and everyday life, old and new instruments. The Finnish Baroque Orchestra, the ICE, the British vocal ensemble EXAUDI and some others will present works by Chaya Czernowin, Jagoda Smytka, Jennifer Walshe, Pauline Oliveros, Sarah Nemtsov, Beat Furrer, Heiner Goebbels and some others besides.

July 6, 7 & 9, 2018
Arena and Church in Viitasaari

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