Photo: Priska Ketterer


74th Spring Conference of the INMM – Interrelationships. Music and Language in the Present

Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung (INMM), Darmstadt, Germany 

Darmstadt’s Institute for New Music and Music Education (Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung Darmstadt – INMM) promotes the performance and teaching of contemporary music of all kinds. The thematic spectrum ranges from the tradition of the compositional avant-garde, sound art, performance, new media and cross-genre concepts through to improvisation, jazz and the music of youth cultures. The 74th Spring Conference Interrelationships. Music and Language in the Present focalizes the increasing tendency of many composers to transition between music and language allowing the relationship between the two media to appear in an ever-new light. The exploration of intermediality associated with this is reflected by the inclusion of artists from other artistic genres as well as musicologists.

Collaboration between Johannes Maria Staud and Durs Grünbein, a composer and a lyricist/librettist, means the different art forms developing during the work process can lead to ever-new adjustments of one’s own artistic self-image. Also presented will be lyricist and Bachmann Prize winner Nora Gomringer, a slam poet and lyricist who performs her texts rhythmically and vocally, sometimes even accompanied by musicians, but without creating songs in the conventional sense. Another method of focusing on transitions between music and language is found in the work of Annette Schmucki, who transforms elements of verbal language into graphics, sound and movement “until language becomes time”. Finally, Daniel Ott is a composer whose oeuvre repeatedly attempts to create theatrical situations that provide a framework for the interaction of different art media.

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