Photo: Arnold Schönberg Center


Critical Complete Edition of the Writings of Arnold Schönberg

International Schönberg Society, Vienna, Austria

The first volume of Critical Complete Edition of Arnold Schönberg's Writings entitled Der musikalische Gedanke (Musical Thought) was published in 2018. 2019 now sees the publication of the second volume, Vorträge 1909-1933 (Lectures 1909-1933).

Alongside his compositions Arnold Schönberg’s writings are valuable documents of the musical, spiritual and cultural history of the first half of the 20th century. They evidence the wide-ranging interests of this eminent art figure (whose legacy was designated part of world cultural heritage by UNESCO) – also in terms of questions relating to aesthetics, politics and religion. Thanks to the collaboration of musicological experts, the Complete Edition conveys his writings in flawless detail putting them into their respective contexts of musical history, composition aesthetics as well as general history – something of great importance not least for Schönberg's numerous writings with "Jewish" themes. The Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation is funding the Critical Complete Edition of Arnold Schönberg's Writings.

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