© Marina Berio


Luciano Berio (1925-2003): Schriften und Interviews in 3 Bänden. Part Project, Volume 3

Centro Studi Luciano Berio, Italy

The third volume “Luciano Berio: Schriften und Interviews” (Luciano Berio: Writings and Interviews) contains a large number of the most important interviews given by the musician between 1957 and 2003. These appeared worldwide in various languages, amongst other things in daily newspapers, magazines and music journals.
The volume sheds light on the composer’s ideas on music, his work and the cultural, social and political situation of his era. The direct exchange in interviews draws a lively picture of Luciano Berio and provides direct insight into his thought processes, interests and mindset. The discussions also illustrate Berio’s constant commitment to education and artists’ reputation. He firmly believed in the educative power of music and, at the same time, felt the state had a duty to supervise responsible use of this power.
Since 2012 the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation has supported the edition of the three-volume series that is to be concluded in 2016 with the publication of the third volume.

2nd Semester 2015
Creation of the Edition

Publication of the 3rd Volume

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