70th Darmstadt Spring Conference on the Topic of "Body sounds. Aspekte des Körperlichen in Neuer Musik"

Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung INMM, Darmstadt, Germany

Music is more than “forms moved by sound” (Eduard Hanslick) – this notion might seem obvious but it did move significantly into the background for a while, particularly in the debate surrounding New Music. From the cultural science perspective for some time now there has been a focus on “liberation” or a “return” of the body in contemporary art as well as on the “language of the body”. This concept can also quite plausibly be applied to the field of New Music, though in no way merely for the very latest works but already also for substantial approaches of the decades before them.
The 70th Darmstadt Spring Conference on the topic of “Body sounds. Aspects of the Physical in New Music” aims to make it possible to experience the plurality of the approaches involved here. With a view to the philosophical approaches – such as those of Bernhard Waldenfels and Dieter Mersch who will both be attending the conference – as well as with respect to artistic disciplines the aim is to develop plausible description approaches under the guidance of the choreographer Sasha Waltz.
It is a tradition of the INMM conference to invite composers whose creative work is linked to the theme in a specific way. Those invited this time include Heinz Holliger and Nicolaus A. Huber who will be presented in a double portrait. Also expected are Annesley Black, Uwe Rasch, Robin Hoffmann and Jennifer Walshe who will also create specific accents with their works. The 70th Darmstadt Spring Conference will once again be receiving the support of the EvS Music Foundation.


March 30 – April 2, 2016
Akademie für Tonkunst, Darmstadt

April 1, 2016
Gewölbekeller at Jazzinstitut Darmstadt

Further Information